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Galaxynet :: 56k Resources

We've put together a few webpages describing many different aspects of 56k v.90 technology. Please take the time to read all these pages to make your time online more enjoyable. If you have any suggestions or ideas, please contact support@galaxynet.com.

Will I Connect at 56k?

    Even though Galaxynet offers 56k access, doesn't mean that you'll connect at 56k. There are many things that can prevent a fast connection, and unfortunately, they're out of Galaxynet's control. Check out this page for some fascinating information on 56k technology, and what you can do to improve your connect speeds.

Is V.92 56k better?

    Some people think that the new V.92 protocol is going to make their modem connections to the Internet faster. While there are SOME performance increases, these increases don't well at all, and aren't worth the money you'll spend on a new V.92 modem. This brief page helps explain fact from hype.

Modem Manufacturers

    This page includes a fairly conprehensive list of modem manufacturers. This list is provided so you have a central location for drivers and firmware updates.

Eliminate Disconnect Troubles

    While occasional disconnects are a part of life with a modem, repeated disconnects make you want to pull your hair out. This page attempts to help you determine what may be causing your disconnect troubles, and what to do about them.

Do You Suffer from Line Noise?

    The faster your modem goes, the more likely you're going to suffer from line noise troubles. This page describes what line noise is, what causes it, and how you may possibly get rid of it for good!


    A wealth of resources for 56k modems -- drivers, firmware updates, and much more. The most important thing you may discover at Modemsite.com is a slower modem connect speed might give you a faster connection.