Galaxynet :: v.90 vs. v.92
V.92 Features: |
Fact or Hype: |
Modem-on-Hold - call-waiting solution |
Fact: This works! Desirable for those
who use modem and have call-waiting. See below. |
V.92 PCM Upstream - provides increased upstream rates of up to 48kbps. |
This just isn't happening. Don't count on any improved upstream performance right now. Maybe sometime. Maybe not. |
Quick Connect - may
reduce the time-to-connect by up to 50%. |
This isn't happening quite as advertised. Conexant's V.92 information
says, "...typically, the modem handshake takes from 25 to 27 seconds.
Quick connect will cut the modem handshake time in half for most
calls..." When everything works, the handshake may be shortened
by about 10 seconds. Technically, Quick connect involves a
number of time-saving techniques invoked at various points in the modem
handshake. All aspects of quick connect must be used to cut the time in
half. As interoperability improves (latest modem drivers), this feature
cuts down time to connect. |
V.44 - a separate standard generally included with only V.92 modems provides
improved compression. 4-to-1 maximum versus the 2-to-1 maximum of V.42.
(These oft-cited 'maximums' aren't true maximums at all: Neither V.42 nor
V.44 impose a maximum compression ratio.) |
Fact & Hype: When you encounter highly compressible data, V.44 can give
you a significant boost in throughput. However, not all types of data can
be compressed - the results you get will vary. For example, downloading
newsgroup headers (text) may get a boost, but downloading pictures and
binaries won't. BUT, you'll need a controllerless (Winmodem) or softmodem to
achieve best results... as "real COM port" modems won't work well with V.44. |
Bottom line: If you have call-waiting service
on the line you use for Internet access, V.92 is desirable. Even if your ISP
doesn't yet support V.92, you'll at least be able to decide whether you want
to disconnect or ignore call-waiting while you're online. (And, if you have
call-waiting/caller-id, you'll be able to see who's calling to help you
decide what action to take.) If you have a V.92 ISP, you'll also be able to place
your Internet connection on hold, take the call, and then resume your online
session without redialing.
If you have a V.90 modem that works well, and don't have call-waiting on your line, V.92 won't turn your
service into "Broadband lite" - any significant difference in
performance that is achieved will be more a function of how good the modem's
driver (firmware) is able to deal with your phone line conditions and
interoperability with your ISP's modem compared to your present